* Created on 2004-12-17
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package org.apollo.test.util;
* @author SixSun
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*測試用例編號 : 0001
*測試用例名稱 : HttpUnit 登陸驗證測試用例
*測試目標 : 驗證用戶登陸是否成功
*測試過程 :
public interface LoginTestInf {
public void testValidPage() throws Exception;
public void testIsLoginPage() throws Exception;
public void testBadLogin() throws Exception;
public void testGoodLogin() throws Exception;
(3)實現一個Junit TestCase 同時 implements LoginTestInf 接口:
* Created on 2004-12-17
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package org.apollo.test.util;
import java.net.URL;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebConversation;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebRequest;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebForm;
import com.meterware.httpunit.GetMethodWebRequest;
import org.apollo.test.util.LoginTestInf;
* @author sixsun
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public class LoginTest extends TestCase implements LoginTestInf {
private String username = "suibian";
private String password = "suibian";
private WebConversation browser;
private WebRequest requestIndex;
private WebRequest requestLogin;
private WebResponse responseIndex;
private WebResponse responseLogin;
private String urlSystem = "系統首頁網址";
private String urlLogin = "登陸界面網址";
* @see TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
browser = new WebConversation();
requestIndex = new GetMethodWebRequest(urlSystem);
responseIndex = browser.getResponse(requestIndex);
requestLogin = new GetMethodWebRequest(urlLogin);
responseLogin = browser.getResponse(requestLogin);
public void testValidPage() throws Exception{
public void testIsLoginPage() throws Exception{
URL currentUrl = responseLogin.getURL();
String currentUrlStr = currentUrl.getProtocol() + "://" +currentUrl.getHost() + currentUrl.getPath();
assertEquals("登陸頁面不是zsonline首頁!" ,currentUrlStr,urlLogin);
public void testBadLogin() throws Exception{
WebForm form = responseLogin.getForms()[0];
requestLogin = form.getRequest();
responseLogin = browser.getResponse(requestLogin);
responseLogin.getText().indexOf("用戶名不存在,請確認用戶名輸入是否完全正確(區分大小寫)!") != -1);
public void testGoodLogin() throws Exception{
WebForm form = responseLogin.getForms()[0];
requestLogin = form.getRequest();
responseLogin = browser.getResponse(requestLogin);
assertTrue("轉到'zsonline'【suibian】用戶首頁失敗!",responseLogin.getText().indexOf("用戶測試用戶_zsonline,您好!") != -1);
public static TestSuite suite(){
return new TestSuite(LoginTest.class);
public static void main(String args[]){