Watch out the outdated articles on the internet.
Selenium 2.0 is completely different from Selenium 1.x. Selenium 2.0 is also called the selenium webdriver. So always add the keyword webdriver when googling for answers to your selenium related questions.
Selenium 2.0與Selenium 1.x有非常大的差別。Selenium 2.0 通常也別叫做 selenium webdriver。所以在你google selenium 相關的問題的時候,都請加上 webdriver 這個關鍵字。
Implement the web UI in a modular way so it's more selenium testable.
Modularize your view logic so that you only update the part of DOM that is needed to change when your models change. If you tend to re-create a bigger part of the DOM than necessary, it's not only a waste but also could introduce risk to your functional tests written in Selenium.
模塊化你的View邏輯,這樣做的好處是,當你要更改你的Models時,你只需要更新部分的DOM即可。如果你嘗試重新創(chuàng)建一個比需要更大的DOM,這不但是一種浪費,而且會引入使你的Selenium 功能測試腳本出現(xiàn)不能正常工作風險。
Reduce unnecessary dependency on DOM structure, make element locating logic as simple as possible.
When you need to locate an element, try not rely on the DOM structure too much - for example, using code logic to locate element is the most risky one. The best approach is probably to always use a scoped CSS selector with 1 or 2 levels of IDs, And if you can locate it in one selector, don't do it in two. For example
請盡量不要使用DOM的結構來定位頁面元素,例如,用代碼邏輯來定位元素是風險大的。定位元素好的方式是用1 到2級的CSS selector,如果一個selector 能定位,不要用兩個, 例如
label = driver.find_element("#info-panel #name-label")
is more robust than
panel = driver.find_element("#info-panel")
label = panel.find_element("#name-label")
Do wait in selenium the smart way.
Don't use implicit wait blindly. Implicit wait makes sense when you use find_element to find one element. But when you try to locate multiple elements by driver.find_elements, the driver will always wait the whole timeout period if implicit wait is set. That might not be what you always want. I usually write my own safe find_element method. Here is an example in the base class of my page objects:
不要盲目地使用隱式等待。當你使用find_element的時候去找某一個元素時,使用隱式等待是合適的,但是當你嘗試用 driver.find_elements 去定位多個元素時,如果設置了隱式等待,那么drivers 總是會等待整個超時周期。這往往不是你想要的效果。我通常會自己去寫一個安全的 find_element 方法。以下例子展示了我頁面對象的基類
def s selector
wait_until { @driver.find_element css: selector }
def wait_until(&block)
wait = 10, interval: INTERVAL)
wait.until &block
So that I can write the following code in my page object