def submit_order
The short method name "s" is inspired by jQuery. Here it will keep polling the DOM for 10 seconds until it finds the button with id "submit". It's like implicit wait but only for finding one element. When you really need to wait for multiple elements, you can use an explicit wait, which, to me, makes more sense than a hidden implicit one.
短方法 s 的靈感是來源于jQuery。 它會輪詢DOM 10秒,直到它在找到一個id 為'submit'的button 為止。當只找一個元素時,用隱式等待是恰當的,當你真的需要定位多個對象的時候,你應該使用顯示等待,對我來說,這樣有意義。
譯者注:關于顯式等待和隱式等待的區別,請看下面討論及文檔,有助于理解我在翻譯什么... : (
Set the initial browser window size when using Chromedriver.
Ruby code:
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Profile.new
profile['browser.window_placement.top'] = 0
profile['browser.window_placement.left'] = 0
profile['browser.window_placement.right'] = 1024
profile['browser.window_placement.bottom'] = 768
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, profile: profile
This works in both Windows and OSX (will try Linux and update here)
Bad news for Java, C# and Python coders though, it seems that as of now setting chrome preference is not supported in the java version of Webdrive. Your best chance could be creating a ChromeProfile class based on the exiting FirefoxProfile class.
以上的代碼在windows 和 OSX 上都工作正常。壞消息是,對于Java , C# 和Python 的coder 來說,看上去現在Java版本的webdriver還不支持設定chrome 的屬性。 你好是基于現有的FirefoxProfile 類來創建一個ChromeProfile 類。
Scroll to a button before clicking it.
Clicking buttons sometimes randomly fail. It could be caused by the fact that the button is out of the view area at the moment you command selenium to click it. One way to address it is to always scroll to it before clicking it.
點擊button有時候會無故失敗,這可能是由于selenium 執行點擊命令的時候,這個button在視圖之外。所以解決這個問題的其中一個方法是,滾動到相應的button后才點擊。